Some Photos from the Autumn Fair!

Cake StallBBQAlan Rowden at the Bottle StallYummy Pumpkin CakeGill Davis with her wonderful Guess the Weight of the Cake!Vi Wilson and June Burgess on the Unwanted Gifts StallToys!Barista Coffee SponsorsSecond Outing StallMonsieur Nigel ColeFaith Frankland and Denise Richards on the Bric-a-brac StallCharlotte and Rob - Barista Coffee 1Bev Turner and Andrew Bradley enjoying a coffee!Bric-a-bracBarista Coffee MenuAt work in the Kitchen at the Autumn FairBob Laycock on the till at the Lunches! PJ's Outdoor Bistro! Wet the Clown

What a great day at the Autumn Fair! We were blessed with gorgeous weather, but even more blessed with the number of people who got involved! There was a great buzz about the place; a great atmosphere and sense of community. From early morning – we started erecting the tents at 8.00 – to late evening – when the borrowed tables were returned to St Andrew’s Presbyterian Church and St Thomas’ Church – to all that went on in between, and on Friday, it was busy, tiring but great! Thank you.

The amount realised currently stands at €10,860… it would be great if we got to €11,000 and hopefully, we will!

Again, huge thanks to so many people who made it a great day!