Family Occasions


Baptism is the ceremony of initiation into the Christian faith.  In the Church of Ireland, people are usually baptized as infants, but children and adults of all ages may be baptised.   Baptism usually takes place within the Sunday morning Service but occasionally, there may be reasons why this cannot be so, and it may take place later on a Sunday.

In baptism, water is poured on the forehead of the person (child), symbolizing God’s grace and Holy Spirit being poured out upon them, as well as re-generation and being made clean, and they are welcomed into the world-wide family of the Church.

The parents and godparents speak on behalf of the person being baptized if they are a child, and promise to help and encourage the child to grow in their faith and to take their place within the life and the community of Christ’s Church.

The congregation promises to support and encourage them on their journey of faith.

To arrange a baptism, please contact the Rector.



As mentioned, usually infants are baptized in the Church of Ireland, with their parents and godparents speaking on their behalf.  Confirmation is when the baptized person decides that they want to confirm the decision made by their parents to have them baptized and to confirm the promises made on their behalf by their parents and godparents at their baptism.  They are taking on those promises for his or her self, and taking on the responsibility to grow and continue in the Christian faith.

Confirmation is administered by the bishop (Archbishop) and we usually have a Confirmation Service every two years, although this is dependent on the arrangements as made by the Archbishop.   Prior to Confirmation, there is a period of preparation usually about 12 – 16 weeks during with the Confirmation candidates attend a weekly class, taught by the clergy.

The next Confirmation Service is scheduled for Sunday 9th March 2014, the venue and time yet to be confirmed. Confirmation Classes commence on Wednesday 2nd October 2013, and you will find on the Diary all the dates of the Confirmation Classes.

To enquire about Confirmation, please contact the Rector.



A wedding is one of the happiest occasions in the church.

A marriage in a Church of Ireland church is recognized by both the church and the State.   Therefore the couple must comply with the State’s regulations regarding marriage as well as the church’s regulations.

All marriages taking place in a Church of Ireland church must have a Marriage Registration Form which is to be shown to the Rector of the Parish as well as the officiating clergyperson (if not the Rector of the parish), well in-advance of the intended wedding taking place.  Visit the General Register Office at and for more information.


The following guidelines should help:

1) It is vital to make contact with the Rector at least 3 months before the proposed date of the marriage. Please do not make hotel arrangements or notify the registrar before checking the availability of the church and officiant.

2) The State requires 3 months’ notice of all marriages, which notice must be made in person to the County Marriage Registrar. An appointment system operates and in most cases one visit will suffice, provided you bring the necessary documentation:

  • Photo ID (preferably a passport or driving licence)
  • If one party is widowed, the death certificate of your previous spouse
  • Name and address of the solemniser
  • Name and address of the church in which the marriage is to take place
  • Names and dates of birth of your witnesses
  • Your PPS numbers (where either has one)

Additional documentation may be needed in the case of a divorce or annulment granted outside the State

3) When all the preliminaries have been completed the registrar will issue you with a Marriage Registration Form, which you will present to the solemniser well in advance of the ceremony. Without this document a marriage cannot take place.


Funeral Service

God is concerned with every aspect of our lives from before our birth to after our death.  At a funeral, we commend the person who has died to God and commit them to his care, and give thanks for all that they have meant and continue to mean to us.  A funeral gives us a way to say good-bye and to have our grief acknowledged, and to hear of the promise of eternal life given to us by Jesus Christ.  It also facilitates others to come and support us by their presence and their prayers.

The funeral service is usually followed by either burial or cremation.