Lots Happening on Sunday 21 December 2014

Sunday 21st December 2014 – 4th Sunday in Advent

The Sunday before Christmas is always a very special day in our parishes. There is a variety of services, from the sacramental, to the quiet and reflective, to the noisy and enthusiastic, to the traditional…
Many people come to more than one service as the different services help them to focus on a different aspect of Christmas and what the birth of Christ means to them.

8.30 Holy Communion – St Philip and St James’ Church
A short said celebration of the Holy Communion.

10.00 ‘A Quiet Christmas’ – St Thomas’ Church
A quiet and reflective service for those who may not want the ‘razzle-dazzle’ of Christmas. This service is particularly designed with those who have been bereaved or ill during the year in mind. We ask parents not to bring their children to this service as ‘quiet’ and children do not often work well together!

11.30 Christingle Family Service – St Philip and St James’ Church
This service is anything but quiet! It is very much geared towards children! Our Sunday Clubs take part in leading the service, and we use the old Moravian custom of the Christingle. It is a lot of fun, with lots of childlike joy and anticipation!

19.00 Carols by Candlelight – St Philip and St James’ Church
This is a traditional carol service of nine lessons and carols, with all the favourite carols included. Charles will be presiding at the organ and Adeleh will be playing the trumpet to add to the festivities.
Afterwards there are mince pies and mulled wine in the parish hall.

All are welcome to all of these services!