Beaver Scouts

Our Parish Scout Group, 25th Dublin (Mount Merrion), is delighted to announce that it is starting a Beaver Scout Colony, which is the scout section for the youngest age range, 6-8 years.    Our Colony welcomes both boys and girls.

In Beavers, the scouting adventure starts and the emphasis is maximum fun!   While Beavers are having fun, they get to play with others so that they know how to get along with other people, and by taking on tasks, that they find out about responsibility, and they learn lots of new skills by doing them but the most important thing is that they do it with other people.

 The Beavers are going to meet each Thursday, from 5.30pm -6.30pm in St Thomas’ Parish Hall, (The Monk Gibbon Hall), starting on Thursday 10th September 2015.

 Please contact the Beaver Leader, Maggie Burns at burnsmdmh@eircom.netor at 087-2070225 before Friday 4th September 2015 to put your child’s name down to join Beavers.

 For further information about Beaver Scouts…