Morning Prayer

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Date(s) - 12/11/2023
11:00 am - 11:45 am

St Philip and St James’ Church


This service is live-streamed and the direct link to the live-stream is:

Order of Service: MP Remembrance 2023 PDF

You are very welcome as you join us for a Service of Morning Prayer in St Philip and St James’ Church, Booterstown.  On this, the second Sunday of November, we will be having an Act of Remembrance as part of our service.  We remember forty-two young people from our parishes who died in World War One and four from our parishes who died in World War Two.  We commit ourselves to working and praying for peace and reconciliation and for an end to war and conflict at our services today.

There will be tea/coffee/juice in the South Transept of the church after this service.

Welcome and thank you to the Rev. Canon Kevin Brew who is looking after the services in our parishes this morning.  Thank you, Kevin!