Autumn Fair at St Philip and St James’

Autumn Fair

Saturday 12th October 2013
12.00 to 15.00 hours.
Admission for adults is €2.00
and children are free.
We need you, your friends and relations to come and snap up wonderful goodies and great bargains.


Cakes – Anne Mason 085-7262137
Deli—Sheena Cheyne O87-2958403
Bric-a-brac – Vi Hoffman 01-2888655
New Gifts – June Burgess 01-2888887
Bags (good as new)- Suzanne Harris 087-9354869
Plants – Rosamund Phillips 01-2886049
Toys – Natalie Keeley 087-2730390
Books – Adele Chapman 01-2836268
Bottles – Alan Rowden 01-2887118
Lunches – Barbara Plant 01-2880202, Deirdre Kennedy 01-2882845, Yvonne Laycock 01-2885660
Ice Cream — Nigel Cole 087-8212098
Household – Helen Duignan 087-9287930
Donations – Gillian, our Rector

For the Cakes and Deli stalls, we would appreciate if each family could cook, or donate, two items.
But don’t limit your cooking skills—these stalls sell out quickly!

Last year, we re-roofed the nave (the main body of the church) of St Philip and St James’ Church; the work had become urgent so we had to go ahead do that work before we had sufficient funds to be able to do the entire roof. Now, we need to complete the project, and that means re-roofing the chancel and the transepts. As part of our Raise the (rest of the) Roof campaign, we are running a raffle which will be drawn at the Autumn Fair. We are sending two books of raffle tickets to every household in the parishes, and asking if you would sell them, and return the money and the counter-foils to the Parish Office before Wednesday 9th October 2013.

However, we do not want anyone to feel under pressure to buy or sell the tickets, and we realise that some people do not wish to sell or buy raffle tickets. If that is the case, please return the tickets as soon as possible to the Parish Office as soon as possible so that they may be sold elsewhere. thank you for your help.