Booterstown National School PTA Winter Craft Fair

The Parent-Teacher Association of Booterstown National School is running a winter craft fair in the parish hall on Sunday 23 November 2014 from 11.30 – 14.30 hours. As that Sunday is the fourth Sunday of the month, there will be a united family service in St Philip and St James’ Church at 10.30 – no 10.00 or 11.30 services – followed by coffee in the parish hall. The PTA is also doing mulled wine, so while you enjoy your ‘cuppa’ or your ‘glass of …’, you can browse at the stalls and hopefully, make some purchases to help raise money to replace our school’s computers. The School needs new computers to help the children get the best possible education, so this is a very worthy cause.

We have a number of stall holders who are paying to be there, so, it is really important that we all support this initiative. If we can make this a success, we can build on it for next year and make it a regular event in the school calendar!

Please spread the word, and bring your family and friends !