
Ash Wednesday

Lent begins tomorrow, Ash Wednesday. There will be a service of Holy Communion in St Thomas’ Church at 10.30 and there will be Christian Meditation in the Canon Osborne Barr Room at 20.00.

Closure of the Parish Office

The Parish Office is no longer located in Hipwell House in the grounds of St Thomas’ Church, due to planning permission and fire regulation compliance requirements.    A full review, by an external party, is being undertaken of our parishes’ needs for a parish office and of the role of parish secretary/hall manager.  The Parish … read more

Pink Ladies’ Night

In October 2017, some of the mums of Booterstown National School organised a fundraiser for #cupsagainstcancer# in support of the mums from the school who were undergoing cancer treatment.   They raised over €9,000 but what was phenomenal, was the support for each of them. Nicola Walker and I talked about it and how important that support, solidarity and … read more

Autumn Fair

This is the major fundraiser for St Philip and St James’ Church (Booterstown and Carysfort Parish).  It is held in St Philip and St James’ Parish Centre and the grounds of the church, as well as the church itself! Midday – 3pm!  Put it in your diary now!!!   We are still fundraising towards a new … read more

Coffee Morning and Cake/Bake Sale in aid of Irish Motor Neurone Disease Association

Fr Tony Coote, who is the administrator of St Thérèse’s Church, Mount Merrion was diagnosed with Motor Neurone Disease in March 2018.   Fr Tony embarked on a campaign Walk While You Can to raise funds for research and care in the area of Motor Neurone Disease.  In July and August, a walk took place from Letterkenny … read more

St Thomas’ Church Summer Fête

The Fête will take place on  Saturday 26th May 2018, 12.00—15.00 hours.  We urgently need your help! If you are Spring cleaning please remember us. We are looking for items for all our Summer Fête Stalls, particularly our bric-a-brac, second outing and toy stalls.  As you can see from the list below we are also in urgent need … read more

Easter General Vestries

The Easter General Vestry for the Parish of Mount Merrion will take place in the Monk Gibbon Hall (St Thomas’ Parish Hall), on Monday 16th April 2018 at 8pm, and the Easter General Vestry for the Parish of Booterstown and Carysfort will take place in the Canon Osborne Barr Room of St Philip and St … read more

Decoration of Both Churches for Easter

Both churches will be decorated for Easter on Saturday 31 March 2018, starting at 10.30.  Gifts of flowers and greenery would be much appreciated as would your help (expert or otherwise!).

CANON OF ST PATRICK’S CATHEDRAL Article written by Lynn Glanville, the Diocesan Communications Officer

Members of Dublin and Glendalough Diocesan Synods have elected the Revd Gillian Wharton to be their representative Canon on the chapter of St Patrick’s Cathedral, Dublin. Ms Wharton was elected to the Prebendary of Dunlavin in the National Cathedral on Tuesday 7 March 2017 at a special meeting of the diocesan synod in the Church … read more

Bible Study Lent 2017

This year for Lent, we are doing a bible study.  We are using the Bible Studies for Lent 2017, God’s Heart for Migrants’, written by Dr David Shepherd on behalf of the Biblical Association for the Church of Ireland. There is a little booklet for each person which contains the readings, etc., so you will … read more

Autumn Fair

St Philip and St James’ Autumn Fair will take place on Saturday 24th September 2016.   There will be lots of great stalls and lots of fun, as well as Lunches and a BBQ, as well as a raffle. This year, we are hoping to replace the heating system in St Philip and St James’ Church, … read more

The Somme – 1st July 1916

Many of you will know of Michael Lee, a parishioner of St Philip and St James’ Church, who has done a phenomenal amount of research into the forty-one men and one woman from our parishes who died as a result of World War 1.  All the biographies that we have had about them, in our … read more

Coffee Morning at The Rectory

Thank You to one and all! Thank-you to all that came and supported our coffee morning last Saturday in the Rectory. We have raised €800 to date which will now go towards the work to make St Thomas’ Church water-tight and a new heating system in St Philip and St James’ Church! This is just … read more

Summer Fête – Thank You!

Thank you to all who helped and supported St Thomas’ Summer Fête on Saturday 7th May 2016.  Despite the weather, the day went really well, and the sum realised stands at just over €4,700. Thank you again.

Pentecost – Sunday 15 May 2016

Pentecost (50 days after Easter Day) is when we celebrate the Holy Spirit being sent down upon the disciples.  Pentecost is considered to be the birth of the Christian Church.  On Pentecost, we will be using the red altar frontal, pulpit falls, bookmarks, and clergy stoles, as red is the liturgical colour for festivals of … read more

Booterstown and Carysfort Easter General Vestry

The Easter General Vestry Meeting for Booterstown and Carysfort Parish was held on Thursday 14th April 2016. Rector’s Churchwarden: Marcus Daly.   People’s Churchwarden: Barbara Plant. Rector’s Glebewarden: Gordon Richards. People’s Glebewarden: Justin O’Callaghan. Select Vestry: Viola Brady, June Burgess, Lynne Cole, Faith Frankland, Vi Hoffman, Natalie Keeley, Jill Lacey (Secretary), Stephanie Morris, Uta Raab, Denise … read more

Mount Merrion Easter General Vestry

Mount Merrion Easter General Vestry Meeting was held on Monday 11th April 2016. Rector’s Churchwarden: Karunadhas Nesan. People’s Churchwarden: Judith Donlon. People’s Glebewarden: Denis Beare. Select Vestry: Meriel Armstrong, Sheila Chamberlain, Aideen Hartney (Secretary), John Hudson, Ken Hunt, Des Lalor, Audrey McNab, Michael McWilliam, Myrtle McWilliam, Ian Mullen (Treasurer), Wil Robertson and Ken Wilson.

A Tale of Two Aprils 1916

The following article has been written by Michael Lee, who is a parishioner of St Philip and St James’ Church, and whom has done extraordinary research into those who died during World War 1 from our three constituent parishes.  The small piece of information after Michael’s name has been contributed by the Rector, to illustrate … read more

Introduction to the Service of Commemoration held in St Thomas’ Church on Sunday 24 April 2016

Dear all, The following is the introduction to the Service of Commemoration for the 1916 Easter Rising, held in St Thomas’ Church at the united service on Sunday 24th April 2016. Kind regards, Gillian Remembering the Events of 1916:  As the commemorations of events one hundred years ago continues, recalling the stories and tragedies of … read more

Commemoration of the 1916 Rising

Easter Day is the most important day in the Christian calendar.  Therefore, we will be celebrating the Resurrection of Christ on Easter Day. The 1916 Rising took place on Easter Monday 1916, which was 24th April 1916, so on the 100th anniversary of that day, we will observe and commemorate the 1916 Rising, and all … read more


The Easter General Vestry meetings, which are in many ways, the annual general meetings of our parishes, will be held in April, as detailed below. At these meetings the Rector’s Churchwardens and Glebewardens are announced; the People’s Churchwardens and Glebewardens are elected; and the members of the Select Vestry for the forthcoming year are also … read more

St Thomas’ Church Summer Fête

St Thomas’ Church Summer Fête                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     The Fête will take place on  Saturday 7th May 2016, 12.00—15.00 hours.  We urgently need your help! If you are Spring cleaning please remember us. We are looking for items for all our Summer Fête Stalls, particularly our bric-a-brac, second outing and toy stalls.  As you can see from … read more

Thoughts from Mike Lee Remembrance Sunday 2015

“Just so you have a picture of the man you wrote about”   The Importance of Personal Photographs in World War 1.   Remembrance Sunday 2015   “I thought you might like to see the lovely picture of Uncle Jack and Dad in September 2014. Just so you have a picture of the man who … read more

Booterstown National School Winter Craft Fair

Sunday 22nd November 2015 St Philip and St James’ Parish Hall After the united family service at 10.30 The Parent-Teacher Assocation of Booterstown National School is holding a Winter Craft Fair in St Philip and St James’ Parish Hall on Sunday 22nd November 2015, after the united family service at 10.30. Crafterse will be selling … read more

New Season for Parish Women’s Fellowship

      Our opening meeting of our new season is in St Philip and St James’ Parish Centre on Wednesday 14th October 2015 at 7.45pm.  As always, we begin our seascon with a service.  Everyone is very welcome and particularly new members.

Thank You

Thank you to parishioners and pupils of Booterstown National School who made up over 100 hygiene kits for refugees in refugee camps across Europe.  I delivered them to the depot on Monday 28th September 2015 and they were most grateful. Thank you. Gillian

Adult Confirmation

For the past few years, we have had a number of adults being confirmed or whom have re-affirmed their Confirmation promises.   Some had opted out of confirmation at the time when they might have been expected to be confirmed and when their friends were being confirmed; some just never got around to it. Those who … read more


Our Rural Deanery has been given the date of Sunday 28th February 2016 for Confirmation and we will be hosting the Confirmation Service but I do not yet know whether it will be in the morning or the afternoon.   There will be a meeting for all those enquiring about confirmation (and their parents) on … read more

Beaver Scouts

Our Parish Scout Group, 25th Dublin (Mount Merrion), is delighted to announce that it is starting a Beaver Scout Colony, which is the scout section for the youngest age range, 6-8 years.    Our Colony welcomes both boys and girls. In Beavers, the scouting adventure starts and the emphasis is maximum fun!   While Beavers are having … read more

Wednesday Holy Communion Services resume on Wednesday 2nd September 2015 at 10.30

 The Wednesday Holy Communion Services will resume on Wednesday 2nd September at 10.30 am every St. Thomas’ Church. The service will be followed by a tea/coffee and a chat. All are most welcome to attend.