Sausage(less!) Service!

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Date(s) - 14/02/2021
6:30 pm - 7:00 pm

St Philip and St James’ Church


For the past number of years, we have had a special short service on the second Sunday of the month at 18.30 hours, that is primarily geared towards those who play sport or have other activities on a Sunday morning, particularly children.  After the service we have had sausages and potato wedges, hence, the service was originally known as TJP (Time of Joint Praise) using the initials of the three saints connected with our parishes, became known as The Sausage Service.

During the corona virus pandemic, we are continuing with the service online but obviously, we cannot meet for sausages and potato wedges afterwards, hence, it is now known, as The Sausage(less!) Service, but we look forward to it being known again, in the future as The Sausage Service and that we will be able to gather after the service for hospitality and chat.

The Sausage(less!) Service will be on our parishes’ Youtube page on the second Sunday of each month until the summer at 18.30 hours.