Leaving Certificate Results

Tonight, I am thinking of those of you who will be getting your Leaving Cert results tomorrow.  

Some of you will be delighted tomorrow; some will be relieved; some will be disappointed and some will be upset.

Please remember that exam results are just that… exam results.  For the most part, they test your memory and your linguisitc skills.  They are not who you are as person, and whilst they affect the choices that you may want to make right now, they do not define you as a person.  Exam results say nothing about your talents, your skills, your foibles(!), your passion, your strengths, your personality.  They say nothing about the impact that you have on the people around you, and they say nothing about how you are loved and valued.

There will be choices to be made in the days ahead… I pray that you may have the courage and the wisdom to make choices that are right for you and that you will be happy about.
