Remembering Those who Died from our Parishes in World War One


 August 2014 is the 100th Anniversary of the start of the Great War. The aim of my project is to commemorate the sacrifice of the forty-one young men and one woman, who “left all that was dear to them” to fight, to save lives and die for what they believed in.  They were all parishioners of St Thomas’, St Philip and St James’ and Christ Church, Carysfort Avenue. The idea is to create a book which will contain the name, a short biography, including details of their war service and where they perished. Hopefully a photograph of each of the 42 fallen will also be a feature. In time I believe that this resource will be an invaluable addition to family research both at home and for people who are trying to find out their Irish roots. Most importantly, I hope that it will teach the young parishioners of today, the similarities of themselves with those young of 100 years ago who found themselves in a terrible situation. If in the annual Remembrance service in the future, we can put faces and deeds to the names in stone, then we will be all the richer for it. I am appealing to all the parishioners for any information or photos on any of the following names. If anyone knows of the whereabouts of surviving families I would be grateful to be put in touch. I already have much information on many of the names, but little on others. I can be contacted by e mail at  or 087 2562376

I will be delighted to acknowledge all help given in my book.



The Name of those who died in World War One from our group of parishes:

St Philip and St James’ Parishioners:

 Benjamin George Beatty

Godfrey Bingham

Walter Blackwell

John MacDonald Bradley

Douglas P.C. Cole-Baker

Arthur N. Callaghan

L. Wilfrid Callaghan

V.A. Butler Cranwill

Arthur Crawford

William R. Crawford

Louis Godfrey Doran

Robert Victor Drought

Guy W. Eaton

Arnold L. Fletcher

Donald L. Fletcher

Geoffrey M. Fleming

Sydney G. Hannam

Eric W. Harris

John Frederick Healy

Robert Ernest Lee

Joseph Bagnall Lee

Thomas C. Mainwaring

Thomas A.E. Morton

James N.H. Murphy

Frederick H. Norway

Walter L. Prentice

Donald Seymour Smyth

Mervyn J. Williams

J. Vernon Y. Willington

Arthur C. Winser



St Thomas’ Parishioners

 John Arnott

Percival St. George Charles Westby

William Magee Crozier

Lucas H. St. Aubyn King

Florence Balfour Olphert


Christ Church, Carysfort Blackrock

 John Charles Bishop

John H.F. Leland

Charles Linton

Thomas McCormick

T. Frood Perrin

Joseph A. Poulton

Philip A. Purser