Sunday 26 October 2014 – and the Hour Change!


Sunday 26 October 2014 is the fourth Sunday of the month, so this means just two services in the group of parishes…

8.30 Holy Communion in St Philip and St James’ Church

10.30 United Service in St Thomas’ Church

At the 10.30 service we look forward to welcoming Gavan, Arthur and Christopher Harris to the parishes.  As usual, there will be tea/coffee and juice after this service in the Monk Gibbon Hall (St Thomas’ Parish Hall) to which everyone is most welcome.
Hour Change!
This Sunday the clocks go back by one hour, so you have an extra hour in bed before appearing in St Philip and St James’ or St Thomas’, all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!!!
Bank Holiday
If you are travelling over the bank holiday weekend/half-term, safe travelling!

Best wishes,
